Why most diets fail: this is not your fault. It’s science.

It is not easy to lose weight. Many people give up on their diets because they feel that it is too hard or are tired of failing at losing the extra pounds. If you are one of those people who has tried every diet out there and still struggling with your weight, you might want to consider trying a different approach.
Losing weight can be very difficult if you don’t know what kind of diet will work for you, but also maintaining your new body after losing all the extra pounds can be just as challenging. There are many common mistakes that most people make when they try to maintain their new lifestyle after reaching their goal weights. These mistakes can end up sabotaging all the hard work that was put into achieving their goals in the first.


1. Unrealistic Goals

Setting a goal of losing 20 pounds in the first two weeks is a recipe for disaster. When you don’t see the number you want on the scale, you’ll be disappointed. Dieting success requires a reasonable aim. Consult a nutritionist if you’re not sure what your objective should be.

Karin’s Tip: Accepting a few pounds of weight reduction rather than seeing your diet as a failure and then giving up and gaining the weight back is healthier. Talk to us and join our 21-day program and see the difference.


2. Skipping Breakfast

Although skipping breakfast appears to be a straightforward approach to lose weight, it might leave you hungry for the rest of the day. This might lead to unintentional nibbling at work and overeating at lunch, causing calorie intake to skyrocket. Breakfasts heavy in protein and fiber, on the other hand, can help you stay full for the rest of the day. People who eat breakfast every morning are more likely to maintain a healthy weight, according to research.


3. Snack.. Snack.. Snack Attack!

Maybe you keep track of calories at each meal, but what about the snacks in between? The flavor of your son’s ice cream cone, the bag of pretzels at your desk, the small slice of cake at a party All of this thoughtless snacking adds up and might undermine a diet that has been carefully designed. If you’re serious about calorie monitoring, you might want to keep track of each mouthful with your smartphone or a notepad.


4. Forgetting to Snack

While thoughtless nibbling might add pounds to your waistline, mindful snacking may have the opposite effect. Snacking throughout the day helps to reduce hunger and, as a result, weight loss. Snacking keeps your metabolism going, especially if the snacks are strong in protein. A handful of nuts is a high-protein snack, and studies show that those who snack on nuts are leaner than those who don’t. To avoid being excessively hungry and overeating, most individuals need to eat every three to four hours. Instead of merely three meals, dividing your calories over three meals and two or three snacks might keep you fully nourished throughout the day.


5. How low is Low-Fat? Stop Loading Up on it.

Low-fat foods can be a valuable addition to your diet. Just keep in mind that low-fat doesn’t mean low-calorie, and it’s not an excuse to eat seconds and thirds.

Meals labeled as “Low-Fat” or “Fat-Free” may include more calories and additives than the original product, despite the fact that trans-fat-free foods are advocated. Sugar, flour, thickeners, and salt are used by food manufacturers to improve the flavor and texture of their products. As a result, you’ll consume more calories and other elements like salt, which you want to avoid in your diet.

Karin’s Tip: Checking the nutritional label is the greatest approach to figure out how much fat, sugar, and calories you’re receiving.


6. Are you thirty? or hungry?

It’s not uncommon for folks to mix up thirst with hunger. Knowing the difference between hungry and thirsty feelings might help you keep track of your diet and avoid eating more than your body requires. At the first hint of hunger, resist the urge to reach for whatever food is around.

Karin’s Tip: Drink water the first time your brain tells you that you’re hungry to correctly discern if the emotion is hunger or thirst. Allow 10 minutes before making a decision. If you were actually hungry, the desire to consume something would not go away. If you were thirsty, though, you will be satiated.


7. Drinking Too Little Water

This is one of the easiest diet blunders to correct. Water is necessary for calorie burning. Allowing oneself to become dehydrated slows down your metabolism, resulting in slower weight loss. So, with every meal and snack, drink a glass of water.


8. Ditching Dairy

Many dieters avoid full-fat milk, cheese, and ice cream, but avoiding dairy items may be harmful. According to some studies, the body burns more fat when it gets adequate calcium and generates more fat when it doesn’t. Calcium pills don’t seem to provide the same benefits, thus dairy may have additional advantages. Choose dairy products that are nonfat or low-fat.


9. Overdoing Your Salads

Salad. The phrase itself has a healthy ring to it: light, fast, and simple to digest! When you add the word “salad” to something, it instantly becomes a healthy alternative. If you want to eat healthy or low-calorie when you order a salad at a restaurant, study the nutritional information to keep track of your calories. Reduce the amount of high-calorie components in your salads and replace them with healthier options that will keep you fuller for longer.


10. Having too many “Food Rules”

“When it comes to dieting, we often give ourselves ‘food rules’ to follow (i.e., no eating after 8 p.m., no sugar, etc.), and then when we break the rules, we get upset with ourselves, abandon the diet, and overindulge. Instead, focus on being more mindful of your eating habits. Focus on including more healthier foods in your everyday life. And don’t throw in the towel on your healthy eating habits when you indulge.


If you’re feeling discouraged and need a boost in your diet or workout routine, we can help. You don’t have to be stuck in an unhealthy cycle of crash diets and yo-yoing weight anymore! Join our 21-day program that will teach you how to lose fat while eating delicious food and having fun with friends. It’s the perfect way to fight back against all those negative thoughts about your body image. Whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, or general fitness goals – we’ve got something for everyone on this team of experts from trainers to nutritionists who want nothing more than for their clients’ success stories make them feel like they can do anything!

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Karin Adoni
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